About Character

Name of Character:Myth

“Myth” as the Striker of Barefoot team in the animation of “GGO Football”, “GGO Football” is co-production by Asia Animation Ltd and Puzzle Animation Studio Ltd which is a high-quality 2D and 3D animated TV series including Season 1 & Season 2, 52 episodes per each season and 23 minutes per episode.

As entering into the 21st century, the relationship between sports and technology is getting closer. Professor GGO was brought in as consultant in technological research, and as a result GGO robotic footballers were created. So, the controller Isaac led this barefoot team to compete in an international robotic football campaign!

About Creator – Mr. Gordon Chin

Mr. Gordon Chin
– Animation Producer and Director of Asia Animation Ltd.
– Animation Producer and Director of Puzzle Animation Studio Ltd.

Mr. Gordon Chin, a new generation Animation Director, Producer and Multi-media Creator in China, with his extensive experience in toy development and animation production, have laid a good foundation for today’s brand by consistent pursuing for innovation and quality.
He put forward the scheme of combination of animation and toys, which injecting toys into life and making them become toys with life and stories, combine the characteristics of both fields to lead a new path to the emerging animation industry.

The most representative animations including, “GGO Football”, “Ori-Princess”, “World Peacekeepers”, “Storm Rider-Clash of Evils”, “Sparkling Red Star”, “Old Master Q”, “Hong Kong Mother” ,“Gu Yu Xin Shuo”, “Guardians of Justice” and “The Little Grape Animation”.
The most representative animation toys/card game including, “GGO Football”, “Ori-Princess”, “World Peacekeepers”, “VanchCard” and “Transformers VanchCard”.
